Crypto Coin Minute for December 16th, 2022 at 06:15 AM Pacific Time.

Current Bitcoin price is $16,979.32, 1d CHG -3.18%

Current Ethereum price is $1,210.52, 1d CHG -5.20%

Current Binance Coin price is $248.77, 1d CHG -5.84%

Current XRP price is 36.39 cents, 1d CHG -4.35%

Current Dogecoin price is 8.21 cents, 1d CHG -5.82% sued by Australian regulator over its crypto yield product

US Senators Unveil New Crypto Bill, but Experts are calling It the Most Direct Attack on Personal Freedom and Privacy of Crypto Users

Embattled Crypto Firm FTX Wants to Sell Its Functioning Units, Including LedgerX